
qPCR Calculator

What Data Format is Expected ?

Our qPCR analysis tool expects data as a tab seperated file. The first line of the file should contain a header, comprised of the names of each column. All remaining lines are treated as datapoints. The required columns are:

  1. Gene: P53, KP12, NOTCH, etcera
  2. Cell: the cell type. E.g: transgene, wildtype
  3. CP: The CP or CT value. E.g: 12.7
  4. [Dilution]: The dilution as a floating point: e.g: 0.2, 1, 10. If you have no dilution data, then omit this column. But please know that your science is so deeply flawed that you should not even use the data.

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Example measurement file
CP      Gene    Cell    Dilution
27.51   TAF1B   Normal  0.5
32.66   TAF1B   Normal  0.02

32.45   TAF1B   Normal  0.02
32.62   TAF1B   Normal  0.02
25.62   TPM4    siRNA   0.1
        IRF4    Normal  0.5
        IRF4    Normal  0.02
       IRF4    Normal  0.02
        IRF4    Normal  0.02
>40.00  IRF4    Normal  0.5
        IRF4    Normal  0.5
        IRF4    Normal  0.2
        IRF4    Normal  0.2
        IRF4    Normal  0.2
        IRF4    Normal  0.1
[21.00] IRF4    Normal  0.1
        IRF4    Normal  0.1
37.31   IRF4    siRNA   0.5

Other Data Formats

The biggest problem people have in using this software is getting the data in the proper format. About 90% of the users fail at that point. Often they upload their lightcycler output (doesn't work), or they upload an excel file (doesn't work), or they upload UML exported data (doesn't work). Those people that provide a correct ASCII file often have problems using a tab as separator between columns, or added spaces behind the words, or don't really care about the capitalisation. Those that actually get that far tend to have a Dilution column that contains only a single value (in that case you should omit that column entirely).

If you are unable to convert your data to the proper format, please send it directly to

The qPCR Up/Down Ratio Calculator -